If you have purchased the same digital product more than once, we can:
- 1. refund you for the cost of any duplicate transactions using the same payment details and method you used to complete your purchase
- 2. offer you access to a different digital product of the same or lower price and, if necessary, refund you the price difference between the two products
When submitting a ticket regarding this issue
Please submit a ticket using the same email address you used to complete your order and, if possible, provide our team with all relevant order references/numbers (which you can find on the order confirmation email you should have received from us) to make sure that your enquiry is dealt with as quickly as possible.
In your message to us, please clarify your enquiry as best you can e.g. "I have accidentally made a duplicate transaction and have two orders, ref. O-123456 and O-654321. Can you please reimburse me for the second order."